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10.03.2023 09:39
Directly make the cousin be 100 men long Zitat · Antworten

The farmland list also nods a way:"I see, green mountain he cook last several years, perhaps can be to get generally!"
"When generally get like!Is four now generally get is all core pupil, this rules must also change."Ten thousand any Xiangs only and perhaps the world isn't disorderly.
"Green mountain, you are all govern, you 100 men of that brigade person's horse long, how choose?Get adult but make you come to settle generally."The farmland list asks a way, " green mountain, make your cousin not'Teng green tiger'be?"
The farmland list words sound on falling, other 3 people eyebrows a wrinkly.
"Rules not the ability is bad!Since tomorrow, "the Teng green mountain order way, "'s my camp of 50 five long, start having a competition, finally win of that is 100 men long!"
Directly make the cousin be 100 men long?
The Teng green mountain is to have this authority, can the beard know, this black A soldier every half year recruit Xin Ren at a time, 100 weak man of real strenght is long, as usual be eliminated to become five long.So, now even if oneself praises a cousin, also useless, everything wants to be diligent near the cousin him/herself!
"Should approach top-grade Wu Zhe with cousin's real strenght."Teng green mountain dark way.
In the next day, China plentiful iron outside the city connects a mountain mineral area in, 50 five long start have a competition.
This has a competition, can all depend true skill, one settles gain or loss and losts and then has no an opportunity.
The Teng green tiger yields unusually brilliant results in the middle of having a competition, after all while going into to believe in to investigate, Teng the green tiger is fairly good, once did more'big gun stake', excel to listen to a strength.
The marksmanship is severe!And after entering a black A soldier, again the self-discipline 《Mang cow devote major efforts Jue 》 , the beard knows a this Teng green tiger, is also practice a tiger boxing for several years.
The tiger boxing is form idea 12 forms of'tiger form boxing'.
This tiger boxing did for 67 years, Teng the green tiger is strange through eight veins, there were twos, the Teng green tiger did this 《the Mang cow devotes major efforts Jue 》 , on that day the 3 F became and started doing 4 F.Are past for few months at present, the Teng green tiger broke through three blood vesselses and started breaking through the fourth blood vessels!
Is strange thorough through eight blood vesselses of eight veins, is a 9 F to greatly become.
Teng the green tiger is three thorough, is a 4 F to greatly become, the self-discipline starts 5 F.
The Teng green mountain is clear:"Cousin now self-discipline 5 F, moment explosion inside strength, plus body strength, also approach 10000 catties!However, the original cousin is strange to be been sparse by the impurities of eight vein other blood vesselses, elder brother so urgently help near benefit of, discriminate against according to 《Mang cow strongly Jue 》 method, hereafter think breakthrough, will more and more difficult!"
However the Teng green mountain also has no idea.
If don't make the cousin practice 《the Mang cow devotes major efforts Jue 》 , want to attain inside boxing in the house'respected master state', perhaps again give Teng green tiger 20 years, all not necessarily become, this respected master state is too difficult.
Since have no idea.
The Teng green mountain didn't also obstruct cousin the practice 《the Mang cow devotes major efforts Jue 》 .
In the middle of having a competition, Teng green tiger the explosion dint of the almost top-grade martial, in addition relentless simple marksmanship!Connect to win unexpectedly and all the way, have been beating till the last 1.The last field, his opponent, is top-grade Wu Zhe, in this war, the Teng green tiger leans against the small control to the body muscle, relentless of marksmanship, unexpectedly and with one action defeat opponent.
Finally, the Teng green tiger becomes new appointee 100 mens long!
"Under my guidance, the cousin's marksmanship is simple, borrow to listen to strength skill, but the power isn't small.Canning become 100 men is long, arrive never thought that outside.However ……distance next time recruit New appointee quick."The Teng green mountain wonders, " with cousin's this real strenght, the very possible Cang falls to eight weakest 100 mens to grow under, be challenged again, probably be brushed bottom, again become five long!H'm, since tomorrow, induction cousin 《very hot fire five typeses 》 !"
《Very hot fire five typeses 》s created by Teng green mountain, be 《very hot fire gun Jue 》 fusion empress of five recruit.

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