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21.04.2020 03:29
When you are a Zitat · Antworten

When you are a tourist attraction, there are only lush green trees and majestic peaks in front of you, but there is no sound of running water in your ears. When you do not see a little wave of light in your eyes, you will definitely feel that there is something missing? The next time will make you instantly energized and admired. Its lively and beating posture, and the waves without the wind, seem to be smiling at you. Water! Whether it is clear or turbid, light or dark, deep or shallow, is full of spirituality, you are the source of life! It is you that nurtured all the souls, and you nourished everything in the world. How do you change the clouds and fog, the rainbow and the rain, and the frost and snow? How many beautiful styles do you change? How many rivers and rivers and rivers and rivers do you help to explore the mysteries of nature? Who can use sludge? The turbidity tarnishes your innocence? Who can hinder your vast waves? Who doesn't praise your high-mindedness and gloriousness? Why did you ever miss Jiashan Xiuling, and how willing you were to only store it as a lake. Flowing water, you are the purest, purest, and most beautiful elf, happy and beautiful, magnificent and jealous, even if there is no way, you will never retreat and always rush forward. Water, bright water, whether it ��s green, green, blue, or yellow, when your trickle flows around the small village, through the woods, I do n��t know How many innocent and sympathetic people associate with how many beautiful verses that only they can appreciate Marlboro Red. The soul will fly with it, just like the muse sounded his harp, giving joy to the depressed heart; when your turbulent waves pass through the canyon, roaring and roaring and hitting the cliffs on both sides, your enthusiasm and unwillingness Constrained personality will make aspirants like to see friends, lead courageously and attack courageously; make weak people realize the true meaning of life, be inspired by encouragement, obtain the courage to fight for survival. Since ancient times, people have chanted countless beautiful verses for running water, Send your passion to the running water, and write how much love and hate, sorrow and sorrow! Today, history is undergoing epoch-making changes, lovely China is stepping forward to prosperity, and the Chinese dragon will take off! ! Running water! You, the new messenger in addition to the old cloth, your incarnation of power and beauty, in the future journey, will play a magnificent movement for the Chinese nation in the new era. The running water is clean and pure, with open arms. Look at the mountain stream, sang Dingdong, sang songs and ran down the mountain, so sweet, so clear, so cheerful, really like a little fairy who does not know the troubles of the world! It is pure and clean It is so elegant and picturesque that it is intoxicating and brings fresh air and vitality to our lives. And when this trickle flows into thousands of acres and torrents, it nourishes the earth, sweeps the world, transforms decay into magic, makes everything look new, and makes the world gorgeous. It's such a majestic and magnificent momentum, is it such a rolling eastward, unchangeable and determined will, isn't it more admirable? Flowing water, I love the essence of your innocent spirit, and I love your firm and optimistic character. The jade should be your bones, the ice should be your skin, the petals flowing down, you must believe that you will carry it to the vast sea, and find the magnificent destination of your own weak life. I would like to turn into that piece of spring Petals, plunge into your broad chest, floating with you until the end of the sky Marlboro Cigarettes, the corner of the sea

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