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track speed skating championship zhanjiao1212 0 160 08.04.2019 09:07
to load the bases, and Fuld walked to force zhanjiao1212 0 164 08.04.2019 09:07
for a freshman. The Owls dominated the ti zhanjiao1212 0 143 08.04.2019 09:07
fifth that chased Brett Oberholtzer (0-5). Span pu zhanjiao1212 0 193 08.04.2019 09:07
and getting reserve players in, but when you have al zhanjiao1212 0 158 08.04.2019 09:07
up his first victory since Feb. zhanjiao1212 0 205 08.04.2019 09:07
Minn., released the details one day after Cunningham was zhanjiao1212 0 199 03.04.2019 02:58
before going pointless versus the Rangers. zhanjiao1212 0 141 03.04.2019 02:57
middle about 12th or 15th place. I had to make zhanjiao1212 0 152 03.04.2019 02:57
seasons. Jeremy Affeldt received an $18 million, zhanjiao1212 0 169 03.04.2019 02:57
with a triple when Torii Hunter lost a fly ball zhanjiao1212 0 149 03.04.2019 02:57
know what it is about this place," Lewis said. zhanjiao1212 0 122 03.04.2019 02:57
three-point play late in the third pulled zhanjiao1212 0 137 03.04.2019 02:57
with a combination of soft hands and endless zhanjiao1212 0 209 03.04.2019 02:57
Hilliard was 5 for 7 from long range and zhanjiao1212 0 162 03.04.2019 02:57
as - along the boards and in an zhanjiao1212 0 169 03.04.2019 02:57
Anfield, which is a difficult place to do that. zhanjiao1212 0 146 03.04.2019 02:56
be nominated for Young Sports Woman zhanjiao1212 0 155 03.04.2019 02:55
f, before losing by five. Eddy was the driving force zhanjiao1212 0 161 03.04.2019 02:55
it, and I was happy to be in that position zhanjiao1212 0 128 03.04.2019 02:54
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