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The “touch pass” version of the Jet Sweep liny195 0 121 12.08.2019 09:52
Tonight’s game should be a great one for a late-season liny195 0 116 12.08.2019 09:33
For the first time in a decade liny195 0 103 12.08.2019 09:15 liny195 0 111 12.08.2019 08:46
Fran Fraschilla: Self Made (Kansas alumni), buchanan 0 127 05.08.2019 08:56 liny195 0 174 13.07.2019 09:24
Each of the four teams who lost a free agent liny195 0 146 13.07.2019 09:04
The Colts prospect interviews are rolling liny195 0 153 13.07.2019 08:40
Monday notes: Pete Carroll press conference edition liny195 0 102 13.07.2019 07:59
CLEVELAND (AP) — Matt Eberflus has a past with liny195 0 159 17.06.2019 09:16
When Mark Murphy took the extraordinary step liny195 0 145 17.06.2019 08:25
Before we get started on the keys to today’s game liny195 0 133 17.06.2019 08:02
Clayton: How Seahawks' effort to re-sign Fluker liny195 0 161 17.06.2019 06:00 liny195 0 113 14.06.2019 11:52
look and terse body language zhanjiao1212 0 152 07.05.2019 05:21
there could be a great payoff zhanjiao1212 0 124 07.05.2019 05:21
"I was just trying to really get up zhanjiao1212 0 164 07.05.2019 05:21
cant stress enough how poised he zhanjiao1212 0 102 07.05.2019 05:21
where Mike Napoli, who is on the zhanjiao1212 0 117 07.05.2019 05:21
National League in the All-Star zhanjiao1212 0 170 07.05.2019 05:21
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